The Bachelor: Season 9 (also known as The Bachelor: Rome) is the ninth season of ABC reality television series The Bachelor. The show was filmed in Rome, Italy. The season premiered on October 3, 2006. The show featured Italian American cosmetics entrepreneur, Prince Lorenzo Borghese, courting 25 women. Florida teacher Jennifer Wilson was named the winner of this season and Borghese did not propose to her, they ended their relationship shortly after the finale aired.
Video The Bachelor (season 9)
Traditionally the Bachelor chooses from an original cast of 25 bachelorettes, however this season show producers brought in two additional ladies who are local Italians bringing the total women to 27.
The following is the list of bachelorettes for this season:
Future appearances
Bachelor Pad
Erica Rose returned to compete in the second season of Bachelor Pad where she and her partner, Blake Julian, were eliminated in week 5. She returned in the third season of Bachelor Pad the following year and once again was eliminated in week 5.
Maps The Bachelor (season 9)
Elimination Chart
- The contestant won the competition.
- The contestant was eliminated at the rose ceremony.
- Episode 1
The girls pull up in a limo as Lorenzo greets each one with a smile. The girls and Lorenzo talk all night and the show ends with a rose ceremony where Lorenzo sends home over half of the ladies.
- Episode 2
The remaining 12 women are divided up into single and group dates. Lisa received the first single date with Lorenzo. The other girls go on a group date with Lorenzo. The show ends with a rose ceremony and 3 girls are eliminated.
- Episode 3
The nine remaining Bachelorettes find out there's going to be a group date, a two-on-one date and a solo date with Lorenzo. Three ladies are eliminated at the rose ceremony.
- Episode 4
There is one group date and two one-on-one dates in this episode. The women who get roses this week will also get a hometown visit to have Lorenzo meet their parents. Two ladies are eliminated at the rose ceremony.
- Episode 5
Lorenzo proceeds to on the hometown dates with the bachelorettes. He meets the girl's families. Lorenzo eliminates one girl at the rose ceremony which leaves him with three girls for the remaining shows.
- Episode 6
- Episode 7
The winner
Jennifer Wilson was the eventual winner of "The Bachelor: Rome". As of the end of the show, Jennifer was a Glades Middle School teacher from Pembroke Pines. Jennifer graduated from Dade Christian School and the University of Michigan with a bachelor's degree in general studies.
After the show
Jennifer Wilson and Lorenzo Borghese broke up after a long-distance relationship where he was in New York while she was in South Florida. Lorenzo did not propose to Jennifer, but gave her the final rose. Jennifer Wilson was accused of secretly dating Dan Herrero, another teacher at the school she worked at, by The National Enquirer soon after the end of the show. The Enquirer included pictures of them "frolicking on the beach" together three days after the initial report. Lorenzo Borghese later began dating runner-up Sadie Murray. Erica Rose later appeared on season one of VH1's "You're Cut Off" and seasons 2 and 3 of Bachelor Pad.
External links
- ABC Official Site of The Bachelor: Rome
Source of article : Wikipedia